Thursday 5 August 2010

Righteous Judgement

Heavenly Father, if only they could understand your righteous judgement is to raise them up. If only they knew the whole story of the pearl of wisdom in the shell of love.

Zero judgment they say to me because they do not see beyond their own wants and desires of the earthly world.  I remind them Father that love did not save the Jewish people from the fires of the ovens or the people that took part in the craft of the covens. I remind them Father that men died for their freedom to be. Are they ready for your beloved key? 

You know that I am zero judgement in my purity of being, and that one has to be so before one can receive your justice and reward of Sainthood.

They sit in their shells of love Father and refuse to leave their bubbles of illusion to receive your string of pearls and see your curls. Help them to understand dear Father that your word is healthy for them, send them Father to do your will. There is no time left now for them to just sit on the sill while people are being killed in the chill.

Raise the Angels up Father, let them see that your wisdom is real. Peel off the layers Father so that they can go farther. Help them to ascend Father out of their perceptions that are an illusion that have no basis in reality.

Help them to become zealous compassionate action like you made me. Do not let them fade away Father before knowing you are true. 

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