Saturday 13 November 2010


Oh dear Abba your Angels wait for the systems of the earthly Kingdoms and nations to fall, why do they refuse to stand tall and hear your call?

They speak to me of money and the Jews but it is Islam and China that is co-creating the nations demise. Neither Islam or China can put out the fires.

The students set fire to buildings, Muslims setting fire to the sacred poppy, its all going topsy turvy and the people are getting the scurvy.

Humanity are selling the shirts off their backs just to survive because of the tribes of bribes. 'Just for a nickle' you said, but a nickle cannot ensure a child is fed. Instead they put them to bed and they cry with the aches and pains of starvation.

What more can I do Abba, what more can I say? They refuse to listen and do your will in every field, and so many are being killed. Why can't they see that they will have to pay for not doing what you say?

How does the vision of Darth Vader help them? Won't it repel them when they do not understand your prophecies and prophectic dreams?

Nothing is what it seems, the Angels are in a state of illusion that all will be well in 2012. It reminds me of the Iron curtain where everything was uncertain.