Monday 20 September 2010

River of Tears

Abba you brought the river of tears again to wash away the stains upon humanity. Even a bereavement can help the souls to understand when they are evolved. You do not lose the soul you gain the SPIRIT.

The saying is right only a strong man can cry, like autumn rains in righteousness. You send the abundant showers, both Spring and Autumn rains to help humanity to release their aches and pains.

Why do I not feel ashamed of them and their war this time? Why do I only feel grief for their lack of understanding and wisdom while heaven and you await their arrival?

How many precious ones must leave to help them to wake up from their slumber? How many have to tumble before they will arise? When will they learn to value each other beyond measure and become noble in your holiness and champions of your cause?

Thank you for your rivers, streams and oceans. Thank you for the divine waters that are sacred. Thank you for the clouds, sunbursts and solar flares. Thank you for everything that chimes, the harmonics of the cosmos.  Thank you for these end times coming to close and your rainbows of hope, it does help those in growth to cope.

The appointed time did come, the Persian Prince, Prince of Greece and Prince Michael. The end of a cycle, all part and parcel of the divine plan, the film maker. Sometimes its hard for people to see the gift when it is staring them in the face, did they see Ben Hur or where they too young for grace?

Michael's name will be known far and wide because he stood by my side. This hero will be sung in honor and dignity so that everyone is inspired to become dauntless and a moral compass. His legacy will be left for everyone, we will look upon his monument of the library and sing your praise for the momentum that you created together. AHAVA...

How blessed I am to be your vessel without any requirement for a trestle. I know Michael is safe now in your arms of love, staying in touch with his White Dove. How blessed I am to know he loves me so much, the purest essence and a lantern of your light. Thank you heavenly Father for bringing Michael into my life, I know that you loved me through him for your grace and glory.