Friday, 25 June 2010

Gioconda's Smile

Oh how amazing you were LORD to bring Gioconda’s Smile all those years ago. How deep you are, like the oceans that reach far and wide.

You brought the tide on every side. All you asked was abide with me and you will see. Every day you are here in such majesty and authority. The truth certainly does ring in their ears, some are brought to tears by the sheer simplicity.

Those that are sore do not understand our joy that goes right to the core of your creation. Our fascination with the intelligent design is fine when people are in harmonic vibration with your musical spheres.

In time your daughters sing and one cannot hear a pin drop.  Oh heavenly Father you raised them up, you kept your promise even though others are chomping at the bit at Lotus Feet.

Can I sit for just a little while and admire your smile? Your beautiful eyes that give out that sigh of relief when they let go of belief.

Your music enchants me, your sound and words embrace me, your love overwhelms me, your grace and mercy sustains me. Oh my LORD beloved forevermore. 

So many songs you brought me, so many words to understand, so many experiences in our sacred union that is divine. The journey we would take for your sake, now the children will get to eat the cake.