Sunday 18 December 2011

Egypt Fran Freeman

Oh LORD most gracious, compassionate and merciful.
Please help the children of the nile, rank and file.

Please stop the violence and the appliance.
Help Egypt to be free from captivity.
I wake up dazed like I have been tazed.

LORD you know the children dream to be free,
let the Egyptian people see thee, let them know thee.
Give them the key of life to live.

Heavenly Father I ask you with all of my heart,
please intervene, let there be divine intervention.

Hold Egypt in your hand, feed them like the days
of Joseph, coat of many colors. Give them the grain
abundantly, let no man put them asunder.

Fran you say, who or what is fran? A hurricane?
Originated from a tropical wave that moved from
Africa. I see, a female leader to come forth for
you, a freeman.