Monday 30 August 2010


Oh LORD your Son said an apology would come and it certainly did yesterday exactly as he said it would. I know that he still walks with me and that he is my friend.

I know that you love a contrite heart and those that are willing to apologize for their words and deeds against your holy ones and Sons. Tons of love heavenly Father, truck loads and truck loads of Ahava.

I know that you heard my prayers for forgiveness for the children that do not understand this reality, or the fataility that unforgiveness co-creates when they are infatuated by their own desires and fires.

The world is full of tyres, rubber that goes around and around in never ending karmic cycles. How blessed that child is that found it in their heart to ask for forgiveness. May you pour your blessings upon them so that they may know that the heart is for giving.

Your heart is a giving heart and it is time for them to start the ascent of your tree of life, so that they are never apart from you and your Ahava. You brought that child for forgiveness and they asked about past lives. Is it time Father are they really ready now to break the never ending cycles?

Your Son asked me to stay relaxed while others deal with the facts. Your tactics and strategy is awesome Abba, thank you for your dreams and visions. Thank you for all of your messages and divine guidance.

May the heart of the world open up, to the next level of pure intent for the ones that you sent.

Ahava, Father, Ahava.

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